LikeCoin Chain Notion Tasks Viewer
by Liker Land Team

Feature Request
DateTotal Man-days
DateTask NameTask PriorityAssigneesMan-days
2024/01/12 08:23
- 2024/01/26 06:11
整理 gas fee 加價相關 data 和結論
investigate source of tx lower than 10000 price
LowWei-Jun Hung, William Chong14
2024/01/05 05:25
- 2024/01/08 07:47
整理 gas fee 加價相關 data 和結論
Public page for man hour log
MediumDavid Ng, Phoebe Poon4
2024/01/02 10:13
- 2024/01/04 07:09
整理 gas fee 加價相關 data 和結論
hook report to discord
LowWei-Jun Hung2
2023/11/24 08:33
- 2023/11/24 08:59
execute proposal 74
campaigner sender and civcliker daily script gas usage
LowWilliam Chong1
2023/11/21 06:11
- 2023/11/21 07:04
execute proposal 74
wnft fiat purchase should deduct gas price before distribution
LowWei-Jun Hung1
2023/11/21 00:00
- 2023/11/21 15:18
execute proposal 74
wnft LIKE price should include gas
LowWei-Jun Hung1
2023/11/16 09:29
- 2023/11/17 09:04
execute proposal 74
Fix over gas estimation in iscn-nft-tools
LowWilliam Chong1
2023/11/16 09:20
- 2023/11/22 03:43
Chain Upgrade to SDK 0.47 + ibc6/7
Raise 4.1.1 upgrade proposal on mainnet
LowWilliam Chong6
2023/11/16 00:00
- 2023/11/16 09:20
Chain Upgrade to SDK 0.47 + ibc6/7
Register testnet on chain registry
LowWilliam Chong1
2023/11/16 00:00
- 2023/11/16 09:20
Chain Upgrade to SDK 0.47 + ibc6/7
Setup ibc for testnet
LowWilliam Chong1
2023/11/16 00:00
- 2023/11/16 09:20
Chain Upgrade to SDK 0.47 + ibc6/7
4.1.1 upgrade proposal for testnet
LowWilliam Chong1
2023/11/15 07:48
- 2023/11/15 07:48
execute proposal 74
Update civic liker logic and jedi gas prices
LowWilliam Chong0.5
2023/11/14 10:26
- 2023/11/15 07:58
execute proposal 74
update gas prices in api and config
LowWilliam Chong1
2023/11/14 10:26
- 2023/11/15 04:10
execute proposal 74
update gas prices in app and website
LowWilliam Chong1
2023/11/14 10:26
- 2023/11/14 10:53
execute proposal 74
update gas prices in library and repo
LowWilliam Chong1
2023/11/14 10:26
- 2023/11/15 07:57
execute proposal 74
update gas prices in external repo
LowWilliam Chong1
2023/10/28 00:00
- 2023/11/01 00:00
Chain Upgrade to SDK 0.47 + ibc6/7
Update ibc to 6.x
LowWilliam Chong4
2023/08/08 00:00
- 2023/08/19 00:00
ISCN related API update after chain upgrade
PoC 0 LIKE ISCN faucet using Authz and feegrant
MediumWei-Jun Hung11
2023/07/26 00:00
- 2023/07/26 00:00
ISCN related API update after chain upgrade
Fix invalid ISCN ID generated by iscn-js
LowWei-Jun Hung0.5
2023/07/21 00:00
- 2023/08/01 00:00
ISCN related API update after chain upgrade
Merge create and transfer in superlike
LowWei-Jun Hung11
2023/07/10 00:00
- 2023/07/18 00:00
ISCN related API update after chain upgrade
PoC for 2 sign mint for WNFT to likersocial
LowWei-Jun Hung8